Mono Lake Close-up Babylon-5 button

Mono Lake #2

One other Mono Lake shot graces the walls of Babylon 5. Mono Lake - Close up. Seen in Dr. Franklin's living room in the episode "Gropos"; B-5 has a 24" by 30" print.

The careful observer will notice that the image on the walls of Babylon 5 is a reverse print of the above. The actual shot at Mono Lake is on Babylon 5. I generally print it reversed, as shown here. If you order a print of Mono Lake - Close-up, be sure and let me know if you want the standard print (reversed) or the B-5 print (actual).

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All images Copyrighted © 1997 by RL Dietz
All Babylon 5 images Copyrighted © 1995 -1997 by PTN Consortium
Updated April, 2004

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